10 Ancient India Practices to Prevent Lifestyle Diseases


The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that 80% of the global population relies on traditional medicine for therapy. In india natural and holistic lifestyle practices have emerged as effective tools for disease prevention and management.

Let’s explore 10 unique daily practices from Ancient India that can aid us in preventing lifestyle diseases:

1. Conscious Cooking of Food

Ancient Indians embraced the idea of mindful cooking, or ‘Annayoga’ as it’s called in Sanskrit.

Conscious Cooking

They believed that food prepared with love and awareness nourished the body and mind while eliminating toxins.

Their food wasn’t processed or canned, so a conscious approach towards meal preparation can contribute to disease prevention.

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2. Herbal Hydration

Herbal teas are beverages made from infusing herbs, spices, or other plant material in hot or cold water.

Herbal Hydration

These herbal concoctions can improve the antioxidant status and reduce oxidative stress in humans when consumed within a balanced diet.

3. Food as Medicine

The ancient Indian medicine system, Ayurveda, uses various natural components like spices, herbs, barks, and fruits to restore body balance.

Food as Medicine

Utilizing food as medicine can prevent diseases and eliminate the need for conventional medicine, reducing healthcare costs.

4. Regular Fasting

Intermittent fasting, now a global health trend, was a routine practice in ancient India.

Regular Fasting

Regular fasting revitalizes the digestive system, improves immunity, and regulates metabolism, aiding disease prevention.

5. Mindful Consumption

The practice of chewing food until it’s nearly liquid before swallowing aids digestion and nutrient absorption.

Mindful Consumption

Drinking water slowly after swishing it around the mouth helps balance the stomach’s acid levels. These practices, along with mindful detoxification and excretion, can prevent digestive issues and lifestyle diseases.

6. Mindful Eating

Whether eating in silence or sharing joyous conversations, mindful eating helps balance metabolic hormones and promotes better digestion.

The ancient concept of ‘Aahaar’ or intake encompassed everything we consume, suggesting mindful consumption for overall health.

7. Self-Massage and Neti Wash

 Self-Massage and Neti Wash

Self-massage, or Abhyanga, with warm oils improves blood circulation, aids detoxification, and strengthens muscles. Neti, a practice of flushing nasal passages, can improve breathing and prevent diseases.

8. Oral Hygiene

Practices like oil pulling and tongue scraping promote dental hygiene and overall health. Regular oil pulling draws out toxins in the body, while tongue scraping removes compounds that cause mouth odour and aids digestion.

9. Physical Activity and Breathwork

Physical Activity and Breathwork

Regular walking, practicing yogic postures, and deep breathing exercises promote cardiovascular health, strengthen immunity, and reduce stress. These practices maintain optimum health, preventing lifestyle diseases.

10. Mindful Self-Care and Sleep

Engaging in ‘Mananam’ – heart-to-heart conversations with oneself, meditation, adequate sleep, and nature connection contribute to mental well-being, reducing stress and promoting emotional stability.

 Mindful Self-Care and Sleep

These practices can lead to better hormonal balance, enhanced immunity, and overall health improvement.

In conclusion, lifestyle diseases call for lifestyle changes, not solely medicinal treatment. While it’s crucial to consult health professionals before altering prescribed medicines, leading a healthy, stress-free, and intuitive lifestyle can prevent, manage, or even reverse chronic conditions.

The ancient Indian practices provide time-tested wisdom for crafting a lifestyle that nurtures health and well-being.

Dr Sushil is a researcher and founder of D WA Herbals with objective of providing healthy longevity to society. His aim is to develop food and drink-based products by using the inherent qualities of traditional herbs by optimizing their effect through modern technology, making our products extremely user-friendly. The research is focused on various lifestyle issues such as anxiety, stress, metabolism, digestion, immunity and may more which impact the health and lifestyle.


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